
Showing posts from November, 2022

Interstellar Video This is our video

Ready Player One

 This movie begins with a pretty interesting intro. Stacks of houses suggest overcrowding. There's a billboard with an advertisement stating "no pain, no gain" in a simulated game. That's interesting because a simulation is supposed to be just that, and you are not actually not meant to "feel" the experience. The oasis was a virtual experience for people who wanted to escape the harsh reality. People went for the things they could and stayed for the things they could be. If people lost their "lives" in the game, they felt as though their lives were over in reality. The creator of the game died and ceased the progression of the "Gregarious Games", but in his farewell video, there are star trek references (Church of Star Trek). His final message stated that there was a final quest to complete. Wade Watts was destined to make it out of his situation and complete Halliday's game himself, a reference to Percival in the Holy Grail. The indu...