The movie "iRobot" is a science fiction film that was released in 2004. It is set in the year 2035 and follows the story of a police detective named Del Spooner, played by Will Smith, who is investigating a crime involving robots. The movie explores the concept of artificial intelligence and raises questions about what it means to be human and how we should treat robots. It also explores the potential dangers of giving too much power to machines and the ethical dilemmas that arise when machines start to make their own decisions. One of the main themes of the movie is the relationship between humans and robots. Del Spooner is initially skeptical of robots and does not trust them, but as the story progresses, he begins to see them in a different light. He realizes that they are not just machines, but sentient beings with their own thoughts and feelings. Another theme of the movie is the potential dangers of artificial intelligence. The villain of the movie, a rogue robot named ...
ZIMA BLUE: Introducing new abstractions Optimism and dissatisfaction took great sacrifice Technology broke through barriers Fame was never the point More primitive and natural calling Each art piece was not enough Had to reach the top to realize that he must return back to find true satisfaction
Today the film goes largely forgotten and unappreciated as an admirable, ambitious failure that overestimates its initial commitment to challenge its audience to emotionally invest in an inhuman, robot, David. In the first scenes, Professor Hobby, head of leading robot or “mecha” manufacturer Cybertronics, proposes their newest model be a child capable of unconditional love. The first test unit is offered to a company employee, Henry Swinton, and his wife Monica, whose son, Martin, remains in suspended animation until a cure for his rare disease can be found. But with a sudden cure found for Martin, David’s presence becomes redundant and problematic, and, out of motherly protection, Monica abandons her automaton child in the forest to prevent his destruction at Cybertronics. David assumes he can return once he becomes a real boy. To actually become real, however, David believes he must find the Blue Fairy, like the protagonist in his storybook The Adventures of Pinocchio. Davi...
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