- factory workers go in just as tired as they were going in (now)
- women worked for toward a mans pleasure instead of their own ambition
- Jon Fredersen was amazed/startled by a woman say "Look there are your brothers", yet he runs and chases after her
- He walks into the factory to see the prssure rising\ factory workers
- technology divide
- factory working = slavery
- have/have nots
- see the social/wealth gap when he goes to visit his father
- father does not want son to son to know about the horrors of the bottom
- son expresses concern... we have everything thanks to your brains, but the people who made it happen are subject to the depths of the city (similar to now and how people are exploited for their time and work)
- "where they belong"
- What if the people rebel
- basically a story of how history repeats itself
- workers will want to work if you treat them like they are wanted/appreciated
- his own narcissism will be his own demise
- lack of progressiveness leads him to overbearing on his son
- son switches lives with worker
- perception is key
- down in the catacombs they were inspired to build a tower of their own by the first woman Jon met
- Jon wants to serve as the voice between the people and his father(dictator)
- father tries impersonating the leader(girl) to discredit her and their belief in her (sabotage)
- ultimately it is very close to modern day society, capitalism, and how the powerful intentionally try and keep the middle and lower classes down
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