2001: Space Odyssey



  • From 1968: the era of psychedelics and hallucinogens

  • Begins with black screen an opera-like intro

  • Production/intro screen has orf the planets

  • Begins at sunrise with “the dawn of man”

  • Everything seems as though its completed uninhabited/wasteland

  • Primitive and survival behavior being shown in the first scene of animals

  • A new group of ape takes over the watering whole (circle of life/survival of the fittest)

  • Each scene involves very nice pastel colors

  • The apes wake up the next day to a monolith, a strange symmetrical structure, appearing to be foreign in nature

  • The apes are in awe

  • Next scene is with a monkey and he begins smashing bones with a bone found from the skeleton

  • Ape realizes he can apply the same concept to survival and hunting

  • He begins standing on two feet more

  • He defends his group with the bones and some other ones join in too

  • They all begin walking on two feet to follow the leader

  • The bone is thrown in the air and cuts to a spaceship flying in space(technology begins at the bone and turns into something for extravagant/complex over time

  • The blue danoob

  • The spaceship has some modern features like personal seating/tv

  • Empty with one man a passenger

  • Pan-American was the brand of the big ship, felt like it was just a regular plane ride

  • IBM  was the “manufacturer”of the docking ship, probably because they were the leader in tech and space exploration 

  • Man gets off the ship and people greet him like “How was your flight?”, casually

  • Tech is very advanced for the time period, voice/face recognition

  • Its a space hotel

  • Howard johnson (actor)

  • He is able to make a voice call from space(facetime), for a small charge… kind of like a payphone(futuristic payphones)

  • Even during the times, they include foreigners in the movies for progressiveness

  • Speculation and rumor allow for conflict

  • The move around very slow in space and take slow and choppy steps(velcro shoes)

  • The people are fed food trays with basic veggies and fruits, the catch is, you have to drink it

  • The man sees a dilemma when dealing with the zero gravity toilet

  • The spaceship flies to and lands at the base on the moon

  • Once landed, they begin in a boardroom type setting, to discuss new discoveries (epidemic at the base)

  • All members of board have to sign nda to keep secrecy

  • During the space exploration scene, the music is from an artist who specializes in voice manipulation

  • They always to eat uniform and processed food

  • ‘The same 6 monkeys’ when the walk up to the monolith on the moon

  • They sit in awe as well

  • As they try and get a picture with the monolith, a screeching noise stops them

  • Cuts to a new scen with more modern tech

  • Now, its apparent teach time they touch the monolith, they fast forward to newer tech

  • Much bigger ship with a lot more facilities

  • They still receive their food in puree/liquid form

  • Hibernation chamber technology has been developed

  • Computer showing signs of ai

  • Computer wants to be called “hal”

  • Computer describes itself as w/o error and a conscious entity

  • Frank receives a video message from his parents for his birthday (no novelty of genuine feeling)

  • HAL>IBM (nothing new under the sun)

  • The computer gives his own opinions and “feelings”

  • He wants to ask “personal” questions

  • Code was done in binary back in the 70s, so the message the captain receives from hal is also in binary

  • They interact with HAL as we do siri or alexa

  • Breathing and visuals are emphasized as he goes out into space to check on the equipment

  • Very advanced tech, screen was scanning the technology to look for errors

  • Everseeing eye of hal, anything they see, hal will see

  • Hal suggests that they “fail” in order to fix error, but the super computer is not supposed to be make any errors

  • Hal says that the problem is human error

  • The crew members get in the pod to talk about this amongst themselves

  • They close the pod to get “privacy” from hal

  • They would rather the ground computer control to handle their tech than hal himself

  • Hal can see inside the pod and begins reading their lips

  • The crew member goes out into space and replaces the equipment himself

  • But the pod, via hal, was thrown away from the ship

  • Hal acts as if he does not know what the problem is

  • So the crew captain goes on a mission to search for him

  • After a while the computer detects the lost crewmember and he finds him in the distance floating around

  • Now, back at the main ship, the life pods are malfunctioning and kill the crewmembers inside

  • Once they get back to the ship, hal is being unresponsive and fails to open the pod bay doors

  • Hal says that the mission is more than their “human” agenda

  • Hal disconnects communication from the captain

  • He sacrifices the man's life in order to open the  emergency pod doors


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